St George the Martyr

Carving of St George on Dean Prior Pulpit (Photo: Ian Jamison)

Pulpit – Chaytor (1990); date unknown

This church is listed by Chaytor as one in which Pinwill work may be found on the basis of plans of work submitted for tender that no longer exist. At first sight, the choir stalls were the most likely candidate, but further investigations revealed that they were probably made by Herbert Read of Exeter (Harrison, undated). The pulpit seemed an unlikely candidate, being quite different from others produced by the company. However, it bears a carving of St George that is almost identical to one for Maryfield, Cornwall, which indiactes that this must be Pinwill work. Thanks are due to Ian Jamison for drawing the author’s attention to the carving.


Chaytor, E. (1990) Ermington Days. Melinga Publishing, North Cheam.

Harrison, H. (undated) List of plans of work by Herbert Read Ltd. Deposited at DHC. Unpublished.