St Mary the Virgin

Unknown item – Chaytor (1990)

This church is listed by Chaytor as one in which Pinwill work may be found on the basis of plans of work submitted for tender that no longer exist. There are several items of modern woodcarving, such as the reredos, altar, pulpit and lectern, made by Wippell & Co of Exeter in 1910 (DHC 3422A/99/PW/2). The most likely Pinwill piece is the carved panel listing the Rectors of Lifton on the wall to the south of the tower, but this has not been verified.


Chaytor, E. (1990) Ermington Days. Melinga Publishing, North Cheam.

DHC 3422A/99/PW/2 Faculty. Lifton. Stained Glass Windows, Reredos, Altar, Pulpit, Lectern, and Lych Gate.