St Uvelus

John Dando Sedding carried out a sensitive restoration of this church in 1889 (Beacham & Pevsner, 2014), and installed several of his signature ‘cobweb’ windows. At that time it was surrounded by a churchtown, but this was largely demolished to make way for a WWII airfield (St Eval, 2016). That is now covered in massive aerials for an HF transmitting station, leaving the church in isolation on top of the plateau. This church is listed by Chaytor as one in which Pinwill work may be found on the basis of plans of work submitted for tender that no longer exist.

Unknown item – Chaytor (1990)

On a visit in August 2016 there were no carved pieces of work that seemed of the right age and style to be the work of the Pinwills.


Beacham, P. & Pevsner, N. (2014) The Buildings of England. Cornwall. Yale University Press, London.

Chaytor, E. (1990) Ermington Days. Melinga Publishing, North Cheam.

St Eval (2016) A guide to the ancient Parish Church of St Eval, Cornwall.