St Gomonda of the Rock

The church at Roche, having been extensively altered in 1822, was restored to its original plan by J.D. Sedding in 1890 (Beacham & Pevsner, 2014).

Choir Stalls and Screen – Letter (CRO P198/2/13/3); 1908

In a letter dated November 1908, John Stephens of St Austell provides advice to the Revd A. Lowe of Roche about how to proceed on an order for choir stalls and a screen designed by E.H. Sedding and to be made by ‘Mr Rashleigh Pinwell’ for an estimated £145. It appears that the work was not carried out as the choir stalls presently at Roche are of a rather pedestrian design and not at all in the vein of the more inspired work by Sedding at this time. In addition, the only screen is one installed after 1928.

Altar Alterations – Photograph (PWDRO 244/2); 1930

The photograph in PWDRO shows a finished altar but a plan at CRO (P198/6/4/1) indicates that this work was for alterations, designed and executed by V. Pinwill, to an exisiting piece. On the north wall of the sanctuary is a tablet in memory of the Revd Albert Low, Rector of the parish 1903-21, who died June 1929. It states that the Holy Table was beautified, and the tablet put up by his family. A faculty petition for the erection of the memorial tablet is dated April 1930 (CRO D/R 8/41).


Beacham, P. & Pevsner, N. (2014) The Buildings of England. Cornwall. Yale University Press, London.

CRO D/R 8/41 Faculty Petition. Roche. Memorial Tablet.

CRO P198/2/13/3 Letter. Roche. From John Stephens re Choir Stalls and Screen.

CRO P198/6/4/1 Design. Roche. Altar Alterations.

PWDRO 244/2 Photograph Album. Various. Woodcarvings.