St Leonard & St Dilpe

A partial restoration of this church took place in 1901-02, under the direction of George H. Fellowes Prynne (Beacham and Pevsner, 2014), who also drew up plans for the rest of the necessary work. After the reopening, it was reported that the upper part of the chancel screen was also to be renovated but that the process of fund raising was proving long and difficult (West Briton, 1902). It was 1911 before the bench ends were restored and re-installed (Western Morning News, 1911) and one assumes that the Great War then intervened, as in 1919 they were still raising money for the restoration (Western Morning News, 1919).

Rood Screen Restoration – Photograph (PWDRO 116/54, 244/2 & 244/6) G.H. Fellowes Prynne architect; 1928-32

A Belgian refugee, Leopold Roop, obviously a skilled craftsman, restored the south portion of the screen in 1916. Then the Revd I.S. Jenkins arrived as Rector in 1924 and raised sufficient funds for work by Violet Pinwill on the nave portion of the screen in 1928 (Western Morning News, 1928), together with the installation of a rood. A newspaper report on the dedication of the central portion of the screen appeared in November 1928, together with a photograph. The upper parts of the north aisle sections were in place by May 1932 (Western Morning News, 1932) and were also executed by V. Pinwill.

Rood – Photograph (PWDRO 244/2) G.H. Fellowes Prynne architect; 1927-28

The figures and the base that form the rood are shown in a separate photograph in PWDRO. A faculty petition for the rood was submitted in 1927 (CRO D/R 5/16), although it was not erected until 1928 (Western Morning News, 1928).

Font Cover – no documentary evidence; 1946

The font cover at Landulph, in many aspects of its design, is very similar to several others made by V. Pinwill, such as those at Broadclyst and Tavistock in Devon and at Kenwyn and Pillaton in Cornwall. It is more ornate, the dove and its carved base being gilded and with extra ornamentation at the base of the handles. A faculty was raised for this font cover in 1946 (Warner 2022).


Beacham, P. & Pevsner, N. (2014) The Buildings of England. Cornwall. Yale University Press, London.

CRO D/R 5/16 Faculty Petition. Landulph. Erection of Rood on Rood Screen.

PWDRO 116/54 Photograph. Landulph. Rood Screen.

PWDRO 244/2 Photograph Album. Various. Woodcarvings.

PWDRO 244/6 Photographs. Various. Woodcarvings.

Warner, M. (2022) A Time to Build: Signposts to the Building, Restoration, Enhancement, and Maintenance of Cornwall’s Anglican Churches and Mission Rooms. Scyfa, Cornwall.

West Briton (1902) Restoration and Re-opening of Landulph Church. 29 May p. 4.

Western Morning News (1911) Landulph Church. 1 June p. 7.

Western Morning News (1919) Fete at Landulph. 28 May p. 5.

Western Morning News (1928) Screen Restored. Difficult Work at Landulph Church. 23 November pp. 6&12.

Western Morning News (1932) In Landulph Church. Dedication by Bishop after Renovation Work. 21 May p. 10.