St Germoe

Font Cover – Newspaper article (West Briton, 1950); 1950

The only source for this piece is a newspaper report stating that during a children’s service in early November the Vicar dedicated a new oak font cover, the work of Miss V. Pinwill of Plymouth. The font cover is similar to several produced by the company designed with Aaron’s Rod around the edge, four curving handles and a finial or dove at their apex. In this case that design has been adapted, with only three handles to conform to the three-fold symmetry of the C11 font (Beacham & Pevsner, 2014). Where these meet sits a cross, the design of which is taken from the unique gable Crucifixus on the late C14 south porch. The design of this font cover demonstrates the sensitivity and skill that Violet Pinwill applied to her work, even at this very late stage of her career.


Beacham, P. & Pevsner, N. (2014) The Buildings of England. Cornwall. Yale University Press, London.

West Briton (1950) News from the Districts. Godolphin and Germoe. 9 November p. 3.