St Budock

Wall Panel – Hedges (2005); 1930s

A visit to this church in June 2014 did not reveal any evidence of a wall panel made in the Pinwill workshop, although this could refer to the reredos described below. In addition, the restoration of the upper part of the nave section of the screen, completed in July 1909 to designs by Edmund H. Sedding, is reported in a booklet by Budock Parish History Group (1993). It states that the woodcarving was done by ‘Messrs Hems of Exeter’ (Ibid. p. 7), which demonstrates that Sedding did not exclusively patronise the Pinwill workshop.

Fald-stool – Newspaper article (Royal Cornwall Gazette, 1907) E.H. Sedding architect; 1907

A short newspaper article reports that an ‘oak fald-stool, designed by Mr E. Sedding, F.R.I.B.A., and carved by the Misses Pinwill, has been presented to St Budock Church by Mrs R. Blank, a member of the congregation…’ (Ibid. p. 5).

Budock Water Reredos detail
Detail of Reredos at Budock Water

Reredos and Organ Screen – Budock Parish History Group (1993); 1938

Intriguingly, the Budock Parish History Group (1993) also reports that during the incumbency of Revd Holden (1938-43) the widow and son of Charles Phillips (died 1931) gave in his name ‘a fine oak reredos, carved, I believe, by Miss Pinfold of Exeter. She also made… the fine screen erected where was the old organ chamber’ (Ibid. p. 9). While it is possible that there was a woodcarver of that name in Exeter, it is much more likely that the half-remembered name was, in fact, Miss Pinwill of Plymouth. The items concerned bear a strong resemblance to other work she completed in the late 1930s and early 1940s. A faculty petition for the reredos is dated 30 November 1938 (Kresen Kernow D/R 16/4).

Green Man – Beacham & Pevsner (2014); date unknown.


Beacham, P. & Pevsner, N. (2014) The Buildings of England. Cornwall. Yale University Press, London.

Budock Parish History Group (1993) St Budock – A Short Study of an Ancient Parish Volume II. Budock Parish History Group, Budock.

Hedges, M. (2005) Ron Dustan, Woodcarver in West Country Churches. Dartmoor Society Newsletter 22, 14-19.

Kresen Kernow D/R 16/4 Faculty Petition. Budock. Memorial Reredos.

Royal Cornwall Gazette (1907) Falmouth. 26 September p. 5.