St Michael and All Angels

Baptistery – Journal article (The Building News, 1915) Sedding & Stallybrass architects; 1915
The only source for this work is a short paragraph in The Building News that records the dedication by the Bishop of Exeter of the new baptistery at St Michael’s and states that the ‘carving is the work of Mr. [sic] Rashleigh Pinwill, of Plymouth… and the building has been carried out to the design of the architects, Messrs. Sedding and Stallybrass’ (p. 514).
Font – Photograph (PWDRO 244/4); 1915
A photograph of a font in PWDRO is labelled as being the work of Rashleigh Pinwill but is otherwise unannotated. However, it matches the description given in Beacham & Pevsner (2014) and a visit to the church in December 2019 confirmed that the photograph was of a font made for the new baptistery in 1915. It is undoubtedly designed by Sedding & Stallybrass as part of the Baptistery commission.
Panelling – Photograph (PWDRO 116/48); 1920
The photograph in PWDRO shows only one section of the panelling that covers the lower part of the north, east and west walls of the sanctuary. It is a WWI memorial inscribed with the names of those who died and ‘their glory shall not be blotted out’. It was installed in 1920 (Warner, 2022).
Beacham, P. & Pevsner, N. (2014) The Buildings of England. Cornwall. Yale University Press, London.
PWDRO 116/48 Photograph. Bude Haven. Panelling.
PWDRO 244/4 Photograph Album. Various. Woodcarvings.
The Building News and Engineering Journal (1915) 108 p. 514.
Warner, M. (2022) A Time to Build: Signposts to the Building, Restoration, Enhancement, and Maintenance of Cornwall’s Anglican Churches and Mission Rooms. Scryfa, Cornwall.